Blog Updated

by The Awl

the future is beautiful

Welcome to The Awl. You can read about it here. We are currently looking for submissions in the categories of:

Architecture; urbanism (but not the dull, aggravating kind); interesting pieces or works of criticism about movies, books, television, or music that are not simply reviews or recaps or RED HOT TAKES; observed non-fiction; offbeat works about fashion and style; stories about places and cities and towns that aren’t New York (and also that are) and the people living in them that would work wonderfully in an alt-weekly; labor and capital and activism(!); videogames because why not; food and drink; history, personal or otherwise; c r i m e; gender and race and sex (just not from white men); THE MEDIA and writing too; science, death, your breakup, spacetime and/or faith, dogs, bears, whatever.

(This list should not be construed as definitive or restrictive, but merely a list of things we know we are interested in; there are so many things that we have no idea we have interest in — until you pitch them. The Awl runs on pitches, so please, do pitch anything, as long as it’s interesting.)

Oh, we have also redesigned the site. It is now “responsive,” and should work on tablets, phones, and watches, in addition to desktop computers. (We are also available as a weekly magazine for the iPad.) We are mos tly done, but not quite: Send any errors, notes, or suggestions to [email protected].