20 People to Follow on Twitter: @JOEMACLEOD666

YUCK RT @yokoono: Remember, in the end, we are all water in the same ocean.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

Every Twitter feed needs one bouncy loon. Baltimore City Paper art director Joe MacLeod (who is also Awl pal Joe MacLeod!) is my loon. Why? Because he’s NUTS!

You know (or at least I do) about how I HATE the comedy. Joe isn’t funny. Or at least he isn’t trying to be funny. He’s just special, and different. And it’s delightful.

Is there a magazine that has all the good Twitters in it?less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

@KeithOlbermann Hey man, looking forward to LIVE WITH KEITH & KELLY. No? KATHIE LEE & HODA & KEITH? No? REGIS & KEITH IN THE MORNING? No?less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

If Detroit doesn’t want that ROBOCOP statue, could we get it in Baltimore?less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

AND A JOB RT @bykowicz: Reporter’s eye view of MD State of the State. I have about 6 inches of space … #mdsots http://plixi.com/p/74516301less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

It’ll overwhelm you sometimes. But just ride it out!


Britt Julious

Wears the Trousers


Kate Riley

Roger Clark

Emma Gilbey Keller