20 People to Follow on Twitter: #19, Roger Clark

My cabbie is silently creeping me out, and the loud classical music makes me feel like I am in a Vincent Price movie #yikes!Tue Feb 01 08:22:22 via ÜberTwitter

Roger Clark

Throughout the month, we’re counting down our most favorite Twitter accounts, ranging from the infamous to the fake to the most horrific and the most hilarious. Let the games begin!

When you think of the great newsmen of America’s TV stations, you naturally think of Pat Kiernan and Brian Bolter: dashing, great hair, funny Twitter accounts. (Well maybe it’s just me.) And then there’s Roger Clark: NY1’s ridiculously great reporter, named in 2006 “The Last Schlub on TV.”

Mostly we’re in it for the kicks. Such as: bitching out competitors!

I know I don’t always make sense, but some guy on another station just reminded us “if a tree limb gets icy, it may come down.” #duhMon Jan 31 22:03:27 via ÜberTwitter

Roger Clark

A lot of his Twitter life revolves around bar jukeboxes!

Was just hugged for playing “incense and peppermint” on the jukebox at reif’s #tookind!Fri Jan 28 23:48:01 via ÜberTwitter

Roger Clark

And bars in general.

Is is bad that I am already thinking about that hour or so that tends to be happy in certain establishments?Fri Jan 28 14:19:32 via ÜberTwitter

Roger Clark

What is not to love here?

First meal of Hamburger Helper in new apartment tonight. Wonder I’d it will taste different?Tue Jan 18 22:29:52 via ÜberTwitter

Roger Clark


Previously: 20 People to Follow on Twitter: #20, Emma Gilbey Keller