Things to Do this Weekend

• New on Netflix Instant: that Aaron Eckhart movie that no one saw that you never wanted to see!

Gloria is the midnight movie at IFC this weekend!

• Ryan Trecartin at PS1 on Sunday. (All the art gays in one place!)

• I will totally watch “TNT’s non-groundbreaking but absorbing” new alien show, “Falling Skies,” on Sunday.

• It is the Northside Festival in Brooklyniamsburgpoint if you like music and festivities and lots of them. (Yacht is playing Sunday and everyone seems excited.)

• And a kooky group show opens at the gallery called Canada on Sunday. It’s about… human progress?

• Also New Yorkers should note that there will be fireworks on Saturday night on the East River, on the southern end, and that the 4th of July fireworks are not going to be on the East River again this year, which is stupid, because, New Jersey, whatever, so the point being, enjoy these east-side fireworks while you can.

• If you wanted to just stay home and read — PS! Are there any good new books? Please let us know! — we recommend:

Brooklyn’s Philly Pinoy, AKA the Restaurant with the Cruise Ship Out Front.
Some very real words from a lesbian blogger.
Things that make Jews angry!
The trouble with the Internet and your mind.
Great reasons to hold your nose and vote.

And if you just like smoking, here’s how much you’ll pay by state. Get cracking on your import/export biz.

Photo by Ryan Vaarsi