Ryan Trecartin: "Temp Stop" from Re'Search Wait'S

Ryan Trecartin’s exhibition “Any Ever” opens this Sunday at PS1 (that’s June 19). And if you go over on Sunday, from noon to 6 p.m., it is going to be kind of a party! I may see you there! If you don’t know Trecartin, he was born — don’t panic — in 1981 and he’s having a banner year, with solo museum exhibitions from Istanbul to Miami to Paris. This video is one of four related movies to be shown at PS1; two of the others are “The Re’Search,” here at Dis Magazine (which is particularly wonderful) and “Ready,” here at Rhizome. Without loading you up on artspeak or other people’s ideas too much, the series deals with market research, becoming a commodity, becoming a consumer, personal ambition and modern ways of demeaning others — using what the Times has accurately called his “signature unhinged vernacular.”