Ass Flabby

Remember Nicole Minetti, the attractive showgirl-turned-dental hygienist who helped treat Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi after he was smacked in the face with a souvenir statuette and was rewarded with a local political gig? She is apparently no longer so thankful for the premier’s attentions, having recently been recorded referring to him as “’a piece of — — ‘ and ‘an old man’ who had ruined her life and ‘is trying to save his own flabby — — .’ In another intercepted phone call, Miss Minetti, who is under investigation for on suspicion of procuring prostitutes for the prime minister, a charge she denies, told Barbara Faggioli, 24, an ex Playboy model, that Italian politics was ‘a mess’ but warned that ‘if he (Berlusconi) goes down, we all go down.’” Which, if you read anything about these bunga-bunga parties, sounds par for the course.

Photo by European People’s Party, from Flickr.