More Evidence To Support The Fact That Chimpanzees Are Horrible Monsters

angry chimpanzee

In the grasping-at-any-straw-of-optimism-anywhere-we-can-find-it department, how about this: It is good that we are destroying the natural habitat of chimpanzees through deforestation because THEY ARE TERRIFYING WARRIOR CANNIBAL CREATURES WHO MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COST!!! No one needs to be reminded of the horrible story of Travis from Connecticut. Well today we learn, in a Science Times article about territorial rivalry between groups of chimps in Uganda’s Kibale National Park.

“When the enemy is encountered, the patrol’s reaction depends on its assessment of the opposing force. If they seem to be outnumbered, members of the patrol will break file and bolt back to home territory. But if a single chimp has wandered into their path, they will attack. Enemy males will be held down, then bitten and battered to death. Females are usually let go, but their babies will be eaten.”

They really are so much like humans.