KFC Makes A Dumb Bet On Why People Liked The Double Down

not a lot of meat

Will July 5 be another banner day for the fried-food slingers at KFC? The chain is launching a new sandwich that’s sort of a spinoff of its napkin-requiring, fat-upon-fat, America-encapsulating Double Down. It will be called the Doublicious — you know, like Bubblicious, but with chicken and less fruity! Here is what this new mutation, which arrives in KFC outlets just one day after our country celebrates its awesomeness, will consist of:

The new sandwich, known as The Doublicious, will feature the same ingredients of the Double Down but this time with a bun, specifically a sweet Hawaiian Bread bun.

The Original Recipe Doublicious includes an Original Recipe filet topped with bacon, Monterey Jack cheese and Colonel’s Sauce. The Grilled Doublicious is a grilled filet topped with Monterey Jack cheese, lettuce and honey mustard BBQ sauce.

So wait… It’s a chicken sandwich? With a single patty? Oh KFC, you must think your customers are stupid enough to fall for a marketing ploy that… oh, right, never mind.

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