The Mystery Of The Whole Foods Giant Bread: Solved

Noted at yesterday’s opening of the Gowanus Whole Foods: the dude with the GIANT BREAD. And now we have answers, from one of the lovely Whole Foods employees. (It’s a lovely staff there, by the way!)

Dude! This guy asked me if he could take the bread and I said “yes, it’s Brooklyn” @awl #WFM

— Nicole Rae Drummond (@nicole_rae) December 18, 2013

@Awl haha! was specially made for our “Bread Breaking” ceremony (like a ribbon cutting) he wanted it so I told him to take it HAHA Hilarious

— Nicole Rae Drummond (@nicole_rae) December 18, 2013

We love you, dude with the giant bread. We hope your carb coma was incredible.