German Christmas Treats and Drinks, Ranked
A listicle without commentary.
- Glühwein (GLEEEUU-vine)
- Adventskalender chocolate (Ahd-VENTZ-kah-LEHN-dar)
- Schokokringel (SHO-ko-KRING-ul)
- Schokoäpfel (SHO-ko-EP-ful)
- Bratäpfel (BROT-EP-ful)
- Quarkbällchen (KVARK-BELL-schen)
- Chocolate Weihnachtsmänner (VIE-nochts-MEH-nur)
- Zimtsterne (TSEEMT-steer-nuh)
- Spekulatius (speh-koo-LAH-tsee-oos)
- Dominosteine (DOH-mee-noh-SHTY-nuh)
- Grog (KROK)
- Marzipankartoffeln (MAR-tsee-PAHN-kah-TOFF-uln)
- Marzipanbrot (MAR-tsee-PAHN-brote)
- Gebrannte Mandeln (guh-BRON-tuh MON-duln)
- Stollen (STOLL-un)
- Lebkuchen (LAYB-kook-un)
- Random nuts in dishes around the house
- Eierlikör (nein DAN-ke)
Frohe Festtage and einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr from Deutchland über Us (and ganz vielen Dank to our resident German, Kersten, for the invaluable help with this very important list).