Jared Kushner Takes His Daughter To The Park

And he can’t explain.

[JARED, IVANKA and their children are vacationing. They left Washington after the neo-Nazi rally in Virginia. The New York Times reported that the family traveled to Croatia but later corrected that they were in fact in Vermont. They were always in Vermont. Escaping to Croatia this week would’ve been obscene, even for JARED and IVANKA.  

JARED and his DAUGHTER are at a playground up the dirt road from the bed and breakfast where they’re staying. He is pushing her on a swing. She is asking questions, because she is a smart and curious child.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Why are we in Vermont, Dad?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Is it because Grandpa and Steve Bannon are still friends?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Why did Mom say he’s never going anywhere because he delivered the W?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: And then you said the voters delivered the W.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: It’s not like the letter W though, right?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Mom says white people want to get back to talking about dog psychics.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: What’s a dog psychic?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: What’s white, Dad?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: What were you and Mom saying about many sides?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: A Mobius strip has one side.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Stop signs have many sides, Dad

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: A tetradecagon has fourteen sides.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Did you know Vermont was the fourteenth state?

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: Vermont was never one of the thirteen colonies.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.

[JARED does not respond.]

KUSHNER DAUGHTER: What happened in Virginia, Dad?

[JARED does not respond. KUSHNER DAUGHTER pumps her legs. She swings up, higher than last push, and reaches her feet into the sky, her toes pointed like a ballerina. She knows that if she closes her eyes, the moment she’s suspended in air will feel quicker. And so she keeps them open, fixed on the cloud that looks like a stop sign, as she descends back to earth.]


Image: halfrain via Flickr