If You Had a Magical, Wish-Granting Machine

by Awl Sponsors

This post is brought to you by Intel and the Ultrabook experience. Find out more here.

In the Spencer Susser-directed short Eugene, a film inspired by Four Stories winning screenwriter Adam Blampied, we meet an lonely, travelling man-child who finds himself the recipient of a magical laptop that grants his every wish. But in the immortal words of Kanye, “No one man should have all that power.”

Participate in our Eugene Photo Contest for a chance to win an Intel-inspired Lenovo Yoga IdeaPad* Ultrabook™ and 40,000 Starpoints* for use at any W Hotel of your choice!

HOW TO ENTER: Simply post a photo of what you’d wish for if you had a magical, wish-granting machine, with #fourstories on Twitter or Instagram, and we’ll pick two winners on March 7th.