Metronomy, "Hang Me Out To Dry"

Featuring Robyn. Robyn!

Photo: m kasahara

This is it. Next week is five days of pretending to be busy while everything around you is basically at a standstill in anticipation of Christmas coming, the week after is the dead time between Christmas and New Year’s, and the week after that is 2017. Do you know how exhausting 2017 is going to be? Of course you do, you are already exhausted of thinking about it. 2017 is going to make 2016 look like 2015 and the only thing that will get you through it is the possibility that there might not be a 2018 to suffer through. Anyway, all that is in your future. Right now it is still 2016, and today’s the last “real” Friday of that. Do the things you have to do to make sure that you make it through.

Here’s something from Metronomy — whose “Love Letters” of a few years back still goes through my head whenever that space is not taken up with more persistent ache-inducing sounds like Amy Grant’s “Every Heartbeat” or (to take a recent example) the “Growing Pains” theme or whatever — featuring Robyn. Robyn! It’s almost like you have to enjoy!