Can We Start Again?

Okay, well, after a weird couple of weeks where the natural order of things was forced to contend with the grave disturbance of front-loaded holiday time, we have returned to what is more or less the first real week of the year. How does it feel? Yeah, I know, me too. Let’s ease back into things as casually as possible, by which I mean funny animal stories (I think we’ve got an otter post coming up for you at some point this morning) and bear videos. If you are expecting the dulcet tones of Choire Sicha in this space alerting you about events around town, I am sorry to tell you that this immensely popular feature will not resume until next week. If you’re still trying to make plans, look around: I’m sure there’s something going on somewhere. There usually is. While we settle back in to a new year of drudgery and despair (although it has got to be better than the last one, right? I mean, it has got to) why not avoid work by catching up with our series on advice. We will get through this together, I promise. Anyway, would you like to tell us about the New Year’s resolutions you have already broken? Take it to Twitter. That’s what it’s for.

Photo by Alexander Kuzmuk, via Shutterstock