Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, "Fireproof"

That was a whole lot of Monday, huh?

Photo: Daniel Means

I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad tidings but it is only Tuesday, and while normally you would say something in response to that notification such as, “No shit, this modern world is full of calendars and other digital reminders of precisely what part of the week we find ourselves in to the extent that it is almost impossible to be ignorant of the day,” I feel fairly confident that even if you were aware of what moment we were at you still confronted it with a degree of incredulity, because the sheer slowness of the days seems almost without precedent. I would make a joke about time moving backwards but at this point nothing that could happen in 2016 would surprise me and I don’t want to give anyone ideas. Anyway, it is only Tuesday, Christmas remains close to two weeks away and the very possibility of you making it to lunchtime seems remote at this juncture. Let me assure you of this: You will get there. It will not be pleasant, but it will happen. That is all I can do for you right now.

Oh, I can also do this: Here’s music. It’s by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Remember Clap Your Hands Say Yeah? You must be old and have an amazing recollection for what even back then was a shockingly brief moment in time. Anyway, this sounds exactly what you would expect a Clap Your Hands Say Yeah song to sound like, and there is something comforting in that. Enjoy.