The xx, "Say Something Loving"

In a couple of days you won’t even remember you were gone.

Photo: Adam Kuban

Remember right around Thanksgiving when you told yourself, “If I can just make it through the holidays everything will be alright?” Well, you’re through the holidays now, how’s it looking for you? That’s what I thought. Don’t feel too bad. It happens every year. We are so overwhelmed by the gauntlet of parties and family and enforced joy we start running in late November that all we can focus on is making it past that; of course we never consider that come January the real torpor and misery, fueled by the continuing lack of sun and the seeming hopelessness that spring will ever come to save us, kick in. Whatever you think you just survived is nothing compared to what you’re facing down until about April. Still, I don’t want to start you off on a completely bleak note, so I will offer you two things to keep in mind that might cheer you up: 1) It’s going to be at least eleven months before you hear “Winter Wonderland” again, and 2) the way things are going there might not be a next Christmas to worry about at all. Welcome back! Here’s something new from The xx. Enjoy.