Miami Goes Full Cuba -- They're Going to Mandate Sick Days for Workers!!!

Frightening news for Miami’s aging right-wing Cuban population: the county is considering going FULL-FIDEL. One lone City Commissioner/communist is putting forward an ordinance that will force all employers to let their employees accrue sick time. This is worse than Obamacare! Nearly half of all workers in the county currently do not get sick time, according to “some random dude from a union,” whose pockets are lined with money stolen from little children.

Local Miami commenters respond to the Herald’s shocking report:

• “why should they even have to work!!! ill just send them money.”

• “What I don’t understand is that if the liberals want this, why don’t all the liberal business owners provide this sick time? If they do this, then the BEST employees would go to work for these liberal business owners and all the other businesses would then have to offer the same benefit or end up having a competitive disadvantage by only have the poor performing employees working for them.”

• “Unions make me “Sick” ;(“

• “Socialism only works while others still have money that the government can take away. After it’s all gone, we get Cuba’s reality: Poverty and misery as far as the eye can see.”

• “The small business owner is the one that needs protection… It used to be that everyone would have saved at least 6 months of living expenses in case one lost their job or got sick… now no one saves a penny nor have any financial literacy…”

To be fair, these are mostly comments from people who are dozing on their plastic-covered couches while waiting for their Social Security checks to arrive or their dog fight bets to pay off.