Róisín Murphy, "Whatever (Infinity Ink Dub)"

Millennials send in the army.

Photo: Several seconds

Rainy and warm? Looks like spring came early this year! Enjoy it, because I have a feeling the winter we’re about to get is going to be one for the books, except at the end of it there won’t be books anymore. Say, did you see the bit about how democracy has had its day and now everyone’s ready for anything else? If you’re the worrying type there’s plenty to be concerned about, but if you work on the Internet let me just point you to this: “[R]esearchers calculated that 43 percent of older Americans believed it was illegitimate for the military to take over if the government were incompetent or failing to do its job, but only 19 percent of millennials agreed. The same generational divide showed up in Europe, where 53 percent of older people thought a military takeover would be illegitimate, while only 36 percent of millennials agreed.” That’s right: Millennials love trophies, living with their parents, and military coups. Your first post of the day writes itself!

Anyway, here’s a disco-y remix of Róisín Murphy’s “Whatever” from Take Her Up To Monto, which is still one of my favorite records from this terrible year. Please do enjoy.