Bicycles Are Obviously New York City's Number One Menace!

“NYPD statistics show 292 biking accidents occurred in the city in the first seven months of this year — 65 in Central Park alone,” says today’s Daily News shocking cover story. Did you know that bicyclists are literally exceeding the speed limit in Central Park by 4 and 5 miles per hour???

That’s 41 bike accidents a month in New York City! Gosh, and to think, only 293 bicyclists are run down by cars each month in the City! Only 148,571 cars are involved in accidents in New York City each year, killing 270 people a year! And only 24,673 pedestrians are injured by cars in the City a year. So yes, let’s all freak out about bikes. Going fast. In a park.

Also there were only 1,014 misdemeanor assaults and 385 felony assaults… IN THE LAST WEEK OF JULY ALONE. How can the City go on when bikes are clearly the number one menace!