Communist Jews Taking Over Your Government!
The White House nominee for the head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics not only went to left-wing Harvard, not only worked at the nefarious New York Fed, is not only married to a professor of sexy, sexy evolution (it’s true! He studies sperm!), but, just like pretty much half of the bankers and lawyers in New York, she also sent her kids to Jewish summer camp, according to this shocking report in The Daily Caller. As you know, Israel is anti-America, because it’s not actually in America, and also they let women serve in the military and have you heard about this whole “kibbutz” thing? Where they all live together??? Deeply rooted in communism and “the labor movement,” these horrifying little Israels-in-America teach the glory of communal work, the history of Israel and also I’m pretty sure the kids all get some sort of computer chip in their head that make them obey NATO orders. According to The Caller, the camp was once investigated by a proud American organization called The U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee — “something the camp’s website calls ‘red baiting witch hunts,’” as The Caller helpfully explains. (via Ben Adler, and then everyone else in the world, who reasonably lost their minds.)