This Will Be The Way We Brush Our Teeth, Brush Our Teeth, Brush Our Teeth, This Will Be The Way We...

This Will Be The Way We Brush Our Teeth, Brush Our Teeth, Brush Our Teeth, This Will Be The Way We Brush Our Teeth Early In The Morning In The Future

“One of the most promising applications of 3D printing is the customization of everyday objects to the most personal and variable thing we possess — our bodies. A new example of this is the Blizzident toothbrush, which is made possible by two intersecting technologies — 3D scanning and 3D printing. The result is a toothbrush shaped exactly like your teeth. You simply bite it, chomp for six seconds, and voila: every single one of your teeth is perfectly brushed in both an up and down and side to side motion.”
— Unfortunately this requires a visit to the dentist, which is a deal-breaker for some of us, but for everyone else it seems like some kind of amazing dream: Who wouldn’t want a plastic, bacteria-infested model of their teeth sitting out in the bathroom?