Why Are These Scientists All Of A Sudden So Interested In Genetically Testing For Proof That...

Why Are These Scientists All Of A Sudden So Interested In Genetically Testing For Proof That Bigfoot Exists?

“I’m challenging and inviting the cryptozoologists to come up with the evidence instead of complaining that science is rejecting what they have to say. It would be wonderful if one or more turned out to be species we don’t know about, maybe primates, maybe even collateral hominids.”
 — Yeah, right! If University of Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes thinks he’s going to trick me into sending him a DNA sample taken from the Sasquatch paw I have in the fridge in the basement, so the government can clone the cells and make an army of hairy, ten-foot-tall, big-jack-booted NATO soldier beasts to come and take my guns and steal my pot, well, he’s got another thing coming.