Let Us Again Praise NYC Parks Genius Adrian Benepe

As it’s likely that Mike Bloomberg won’t get a fourth term — [pause for mild, uncomfortable laughter] — our time with New York City Parks Comissioner Adrian Benepe will likely come to an end next year. This may be the penultimate spring during which we can enjoy his good works. Despite that he’s lost almost a quarter of Parks Dept. staff over the last four years, and that he’s has had budget cuts for each of the last three years, many of New York City’s parks look pretty amazing. It’s bearded iris season! Right now! There’s flowers everywhere! And there’s smart, sustainable, well-sited plantings for shady areas and sunny areas alike. So as we do each year, particularly in spring, let us give thanks where thanks is due. And if a tree falls and kills you this spring, blame Mike Bloomberg’s budget.

[Photo by Charley Lhasa.]