Totally Enjoying the Way an Ad Covers HuffPo's "We Won a Pulitzer" Story

“He called it the Bored At Work Network. All across the world, he believed, men and women sat at their desks, staring at computer screens, bored senseless. How better to provide a momentary relief from the tedium than to disseminate something so engagingly simple that recipients would take a moment to forward it to friends….What was forwarded, of course, reflected something about the sender, which, as Watts pointed out, was why few ever send pornography — not cool. And while a good deal of these bits of content had all the permanence of footprints in sand, every so often the Bored At Work Network would light up, and weak links were instantly transformed into strong ones. A vast network sprang to life.”
 — Just Insta-ReadItLater-Whatever this behemoth history of the Huffington Post. (Oh wait I guess “Read It Later” is now called “Pocket.” Please make a note of it.)