Pinterest: Delightful, Addictive, Theft

One of the problems with this innovative and cool approach by the Wall Street Journal to writing about Pinterest by writing about Pinterest on Pinterest (and it is!) is that there you can’t address that, more than early Napster, more than Megaupload, more than any government-seized hip-hop blog, Pinterest is entirely copyright-infringement. It’s just that, unlike with music and movies, there’s no dumb and hostile industry lobby that represents, say, “every photographer everywhere.” If there was ever a place on the Internet that made you think SOPA was a good idea, it’d be right here! But there is, in the Journal itself, a spiffy little paragraph that says that Pinterest has found that being a website based on publishing other people’s photographs hasn’t “been a significant issue so far.” (They also mention the user agreement, which straight-up says they can sell and “modify” “your” “content.”) In better news, the Journal completely avoids the six deadly sexist traps of writing about Pinterest.