Do Bears Feel As Indignant As Rick Ross Sounds? Sure, Why The Hell Not

Do Bears Feel As Indignant As Rick Ross Sounds? Sure, Why The Hell Not

“Powerful, indignant, protective: that’s how a bear feels, and that’s how Mr. Ross sounds, as if nothing could possibly derail him, and everyone who walks with him will be safe.”
 — Awl pal John Caramanica writes with Doolittlian insight into the ursine emotional state (“indignant”?!) in his review of Rick Ross’s new mixtape, Rich Forever

. And here is Ross sounding like a bear while rapping with guest star Nas. Also, the album cover to the left is not the cover of Rich Forever, but that of the 1998 album Doin Thangs from Houston rapper Big Bear. Who sounds less like a bear than Rick Ross, but Rick Ross has never made an album cover half that amazing.