The Trailer For '20th Century Women' Is...Quite Nice

Serving you full-steam Annette Bening

That’s the stuff.

You know what’s better to look at than Twitter right now? This trailer for a new movie about love and America and figuring it all out.

Doesn’t that sound good?

I’m talking sweeping romantic visuals. Nostalgia for a decade you may not be old enough to remember. BENING. FANNING (Elle). CRUDUP.

It’s called 20th Century Women, it’s from the same writer/director who did Beginners, and just look at it:

Wasn’t that comfy? Like a lil shoulder squeeze? A kiss on the forehead?

And sure, there will be pathos. Hoo, baby! The pathos! We will learn some hard truths and feel some complex feelings about the people we care for the most.

But at the end of it all, we are going to feel good. I just know it.