You're Invited to Saturday's One-Day Symposium on Literature and HIV

A thing to do this coming Saturday: “Transmissions,” a day-long conference on literature and the first thirty years of HIV. Three events throughout the day, at the New School’s Wollman Hall:

11 a.m.: THE LITERATURE OF AIDS FROM 1981–1995, with David France, Michael Denneny, Larry Kramer, Sarah Schulman, John Weir, and Edmund White.

2 p.m.: THE LITERATURE OF AIDS FROM 1996–2011, with Rabih Alameddine, Gary Indiana, Zia Jaffrey, Amy Scholder, and Max Steele.

7 p.m. READING with Rabih Alameddine, Michael Denneny, Gary Indiana, Zia Jaffrey, John Kelly, Larry Kramer, Jennie Livingston, Amy Scholder, Max Steele, John Weir, and Edmund White.