"To Hell With You": A Massive Online Comedy Of Reading

You might remember Rudolph Delson as the fellow who reviewed all those vice presidential memoirs right here, when you and he and Sarah Palin were all so young and so promising. Or you might not!

Well now here is his latest project: a vast on-line comedy, an adventure through New York City to the Land of the Dead. You can marry any of four women named Pippa. You can hang out with optimistic capitalists, or with misanthropic ecologists, or with your father, or you can spend entire chapters alone aboard a sailboat on the Pacific. You can see San Francisco after the collapse of Western Civilization. You can be sacrificed by Aztecs. You can speak to a ghostly herd of plesiosaurs. You can hunt for your dead mother. All this, for free, from the comfort of your computing device of any size and shape!

He plans to roll the novel out in stages this month, like a good Democrat, in the order of its popularity.