The Week We Showed September The Door

If all goes according to plan, tomorrow will be the day that the weather finally catches up with the calendar. That weird sense of unease that we’ve all felt while waiting for the season to assert itself will finally be lifted, and we will be thrown headfirst into autumn. Finally, the feeling of promise we always have at this time of year — now we’re going to get serious, this is when it’s really going to happen for us — will settle in alongside the lower temperatures, the smell of smoke, playoff baseball and warm alcoholic drinks with breakfast. The feeling will last until, oh, the end of October, when the Christmas music starts up in earnest, but for that month everything’s going to feel pretty good, so try to enjoy it while you can, because winter is coming and winter will be hard. Anyway, while I have you here, read these:

Seven Awesome Roads For Your Next Trip

How To Save The Postal Service

An Evening With Jeff Mangum

How Much More Are Movie Stars Making Today?

Chris Christie’s Bernie Madoff Problem

How To Write A Love Poem

Photo by _PaulS_’s, via Flickr