Now I Can't Wait To Vote For Bill de Blasio!


Looking for that final push to get on the Bill de Blasio team? Here, mm hmm, here are a ton of billionaires complaining about paying slightly greater taxes so as to fund all-day pre-K for New York City’s children! I just climbed entirely off that fence and am about to go to de Blasio campaign headquarters and become one of those crazies who doorknocks and whatnot.

“Anybody who proposes raising taxes in the city of New York is barking up the wrong tree,” is the money quote from Peter Solomon — former Lehman Brothers vice-chair. Oh do tell us more about how finance should work, Mr. Lehman Brothers.

New York City’s taxes suck, quite unbelievably, yes, and are really pretty terrible for small business owners and middle class people! But you know what’s not a hardship? “For the 27,300 city taxpayers earning $500,000 to $1 million, the average increase would be $973 a year.” LOL. Maybe just don’t buy that set of sheets and go to bed happy that you’ve changed a child’s life. Whatever. Pony up, dog! Hooray, only six more days until I can vote for Bill de Blasio!