David Brooks Should Watch This New Video For Beirut's "Santa Fe"

“In most times and in most places, the group was seen to be the essential moral unit. A shared religion defined rules and practices. Cultures structured people’s imaginations and imposed moral disciplines. But now more people are led to assume that the free-floating individual is the essential moral unit. Morality was once revealed, inherited and shared, but now it’s thought of as something that emerges in the privacy of your own heart.”
David Brooks mourns the death of god and homogeneous culture and frets over the implications of independent thought in today’s Times. Like a lot of people have been doing for a while now. Yes, finding a new way forward is difficult, but in the end, I’m with the protagonist in the wonderful video for Beirut’s new single, “Sante Fe.” The guy has had a rough couple days. All things considered, he makes the right choice. Let’s give him a break, huh?