Eola, "B and O Blues"

Outside is bad.

Photo: Guian Bolisay

A correspondent recently accused me of only continuing to write so that I could “force your music tastes on your fellow New Yorkers.” This suggests that I should not be writing anymore (true) and that I am disinterested in sharing my sonic aesthetic with anyone outside of Manhattan (false). But, yeah, sure, when I hear something I like to pass it along. So even though I have already suggested some music for you to enjoy today, I would also like to point you this way:

“Edwin Mathis White,” the promotional copy tells, “creates a capella DIY gospel as Eola using loop stations and vocal processing effects pedals recorded to tape.” However you describe it it is eerily catchy, and as those of you here in New York — goddamn it, I guess they were right — slink away from work into the disgusting climactic glop that awaits you out there, it seems like an appropriate soundtrack. Enjoy.