It's Also Ola Ray's Birthday, By The Way

We generally restrict our acknowledgment of birthdays in this space to those which end with zeros or reveal that a person is now eligible for Social Security, but some days — particularly slow ones during the last week of summer when even lifting the receiver seems like too much effort for phoning in purposes — we take whatever we can get, and today’s 64th turning of the world upon the man known as Leon Redbone will just have to do. I wanted to find a decent video of “Champagne Charlie” but it seems to be in short supply, but then I belatedly recalled that he was the voice behind the theme song to “Mr. Belvedere” (written by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo, who also did the “Cheers” theme song, which makes them first ballot Hall of Famers in the TV Theme Show Writers Hall of Fame) and that is going to be good enough for now.