Will You Indulge in an All-Day Anthony Weiner Lewd Pic Fiesta?

I just figured if I ignored it, it would all go away, and by “it” I mean Congressperson Anthony Weiner’s digitized genitalia and the Internet trumpeting thereof. But the “story” is zooming well into week two, and one website, which is at this point entirely composed of Weiner alleged naked pic news, is going the extra mile with a promised all-day rollout of new pictures allegedly sent by Weiner to a lady constituent. (Just kidding: I think she lives out of his district.) So if you’re inclined to play along with this spectacle as news, it seems to be beginning here. Why not? If you’d like to participate in the gleeful attempted destruction of a guy’s career via the revelation of unverified and totally legal and consensual private behavior, have at it. (On the downside, the website claims “we will not be releasing all of the material because some of it is of an extreme, graphic nature.” Hmm. That’s a hard case to prosecute if you’re not going to deliver the goods!) Anyway, today’s another good day to remember that you are what you read.

BREAKING UPDATE: “INTIMATE HOME PIC” of Anthony Weiner reveals fully-clothed Congressman sitting on couch with cats. Boy, that is a real CAREER-ENDER.