Thundercat, "Bus In These Streets"

And a reminder of a special occasion.

Before we get to the morning’s music I would like to remind you of something so that you can get a jump on making plans with your colleagues: Tomorrow, August 25th, is National Duck Out for a Drink Day. That’s right, it’s America’s favorite holiday, the one where you slip away from work for a drink (or a few). Talk to your co-workers now and figure out when you go and where you’ll be: “NDOFADD Meeting” looks totally innocuous on a shared calendar, so feel free to coordinate that way if you like. We’ll make a much bigger deal about this tomorrow, but I did want to throw it out there today for those of you whose workdays are so scheduled and hectic that you cannot do something spontaneous without planning in advance: You are the people who need National Duck Out for a Drink Day the most!

Now that that’s out of the way, what do we have for music today?

Oh, not much, only NEW THUNDERCAT. That’s right, I’ll leave you to it. Enjoy!