Let's Get Rid Of Those Scary Smoking Posters

You know those nasty-ass pictures of rotting teeth and decaying lungs that the city made all the shops put up as another front in its war against smoking? Four months after a federal judge blocked the rule, many of them still have the signs up, even though they totally don’t have to. Do me a favor and print out this Journal article so you can bring it to your local cigarette purveyor to let him or her know that they can take those things down. Even if you don’t smoke — or are some kind of coward who is thinking of giving it up — these are not something you want to see. It is stressful enough knowing I’m dropping $13 on a pack of smokes; I don’t need the added pressure of staring at my grisly future while I’m doing it.

Photo by Francois Karm, from Flickr.