Gawker Media's Real Traffic

Still, it’s interesting that Denton is sending out pageview charts in response, as he doesn’t care about pageviews. “Search traffic fell but organic traffic is robust,” he said this morning. Here’s pageviews on Gawker and Gizmodo over the last year.

What you start to suspect in some of the diversity between sites is that some of this isn’t redesign-related.

One thing that supports the search traffic being down but the organic traffic being “robust” is seeing “people” down and pageviews up or steady (with Gizmodo being an exception):

Here’s Jezebel, Kotaku io9 and Fleshbot, in pageviews:

And the same sites, in “people” visiting:

Let us not forget Jalopnik!

In people:

And in pageviews:

Usual disclaimers apply, yadda yadda.