Two Jews, Three Opinions

Two Jews, Three Opinions

“As with most matters under the purview of Jewish law — from how to turn on the lights during the Sabbath, to what kind of cough syrup is certified kosher — a debate has emerged among rabbinical experts about quinoa’s bona fides as a kosher alternative to leavened-grain products like bread. And this has led to confusion and concern in many Passover kitchens around the country on the eve of the holiday, which begins on Monday evening.”
— Can the Jews eat quinoa during Passover? Depends who you talk to. Or, as food scientist Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf puts it, “I went to hear two rabbis discussing the quinoa situation at my synagogue last week. They had basically the same information, but they came to opposite conclusions. Typical.” Also, happy Passover, Jews!