A Poem by Amit Majmudar


Yes, we had footage of him
All the way back in April
Strung out on meth
In a white hood

And Old Glory thong
Pissing on a Bible
While shooting a black
Police officer

And a Mexican with no papers
Using two illegal diamond-
Encrusted handguns
In the transvestite brothel

Goldman Sachs financed
For a far-right Zionist
Hollywood producer
With ties to Russia

But then again
No one is perfect
And you know what they say,
Judge not —

Amit Majmudar’s most recent book of poems, Dothead, was published by Knopf. Godsong, his verse translation from Sanskrit of the Bhagavad Gita, is forthcoming in 2018.

The Poetry Section is edited by Mark Bibbins.