How Much Drinking Is Too Much Drinking?

Or is that even a thing?

Photo: Steven Zwerink

Do we drink too much? It is a question currently stoking the fires of the perpetual take machine that is the Internet, and the latest source of fuel is a gendered variation on that question. The Billfold’s Ester Bloom summarizes the debate here:

Do “Successful” Women Drink Too Much?

Without wishing to register an opinion on the girls against boys aspect of the whole thing — because even I am not that stupid — I would like to say this: If you are worried that you are drinking too much, maybe you should ask yourself why you’re drinking. A very wise man once suggested some possible reasons for why we consume alcohol:

We’re depressed. We feel as if we haven’t succeeded in even the modest goals we’ve set for ourselves. We’re nervous. We over-analyze the most rudimentary aspects of life, imbuing each detail with imagined tragedy when the sheer facts of living are tragic enough. We feel awkward. We are sad and alone. We like the taste.

If any of those fit the bill then you are probably drinking for the right reasons. I mean, there may not actually be any wrong reasons for drinking. I guess it is something you have to take on an individual basis? Here are some further thoughts on alcohol’s benefits and why you might want to partake of them.

Does Drinking Help?

Again, what works best for you is what you should consider most, and if things are not working for you, when it comes to the drinking, then maybe you should find something else to help you muffle your own reality. There is a whole world of substances out there to help you stay somewhat removed from reality. Or non-substances, even! Some people swear by running! Those people are annoying freaks, but the point is there are plenty of things to do to keep life at a safe distance. You don’t have to drink. But if you do drink, and you enjoy it, by all means don’t guilt yourself into stopping. Don’t let anyone else make you feel bad about your ability to handle it. And make some time tomorrow for a very important holiday.