Feral Leftist Mob Attacks Madison (in Right Wing's Imagination)

What happened last night in Madison, Wisconsin? According to Fox Nation, “Rabid Leftists Storm Wisconsin Capitol After Vote”! If only. Perhaps better characterized as a large community of shocked and betrayed workers? (Who are not unlikely to have a victory in court, some months and years from now.) Above is a picture of the “rabid leftists” currently “storming” the Capitol in Madison this morning. (Actually: patiently waiting for the building to open.) Here they are knocking on the locked doors, just now. Don’t they look like wingnuts? Or maybe more like middle-aged working people. Last night, says the local paper, “Thousands of protesters rushed to the state Capitol Wednesday night…. Police and protesters continued to get along, with no incidents reported and no arrests.”

In any event, late this morning, the Assembly will vote on and pass the new version of the budget bill. Would you like to hear the right-wing talking points on the protests by teachers and union workers in Madison? Sure you would! Try this: “State Senator Glenn Grothman told Greta Van Susteren, ‘Madison was not safe for Republicans.’ Sadly, that’s the reality when you’re up against raging leftist mobs…. ‘Clearly, the Democrat-supporting union people in the state are showing the world, mortifyingly, that the feral and wild behavior by the mobs in the Middle East is a common trait with union people in Wisconsin.’” The lies are amazing! Here they are, your feral leftists, peacefully occupying the Capitol’s rotunda last night.