Album Reissued

Via Pitchfork, Nirvana’s In Utero 20th Anniversary Reissue Details Revealed. Those details are:

• You are old.

• 1993 was twenty years ago.

• The intervening days have dulled the memory to the point of near-invisibility, but there was a time when your heart was still full of hope and possibility, and you really believed that everything out there was something you could grab hold of and use to launch yourself into the existence that you knew was just waiting for your embrace. It seems comical, and even kind of embarrassing now, but that sense of potential loomed so large over your life that some nights you could barely get to sleep, so excited were you for what you knew was coming your way to finally show up and carry you along in its wake.

• The brutal realities of life and the inevitable toll that simply surviving takes on your mental and physical faculties mean that the earlier memory is something you suppress out of shame, sorrow and simple forgetfulness. When you do for whatever reason occasionally recall it, you quickly try to focus on something more pleasant, like the inevitable arrival of death.

• The anniversary edition comes as a triple-CD/single-DVD set or in regular CD/digital formats.

• If your life were a playlist you’d be much closer to the final track than the first one.