Liberation, "Leaves Falling"

Tell me what the sun was.

Photo: Jim Pennucci

I have good news if you enjoy misery and suffering and sorrow: It’s supposed to rain for the next five days. Any progress you’ve made this summer on developing a less despondent attitude about existence will be washed away by the incessant gloom and the diminished capacity for joy that constant rain always brings. But that’s not all: It will be disgustingly hot, too! If you are someone who takes pleasure in melancholy and sorrow I am terribly envious of the remarkable week you’ve got ahead of you.

This song, though: If you are of a certain age you will be overcome by a flood of memories and associations that are not unpleasant even though they are tinged with sadness and regret. If you are younger than that, and I hope for your sake you are, you will probably find it to be a perfectly pleasant bit of pop that ends before it even starts to outstay its welcome. Either way, I am fairly certain you will enjoy it as much as some people enjoy rain.