Scenes From The Protest In Cairo

by Christian Vachon

Gordon Reynolds, our man in Cairo, sends along photos from yesterday’s protest. (For real-time dispatches, follow him here.)

Egyptian police blocked both sides of Tahrir Square, pressing the protesters.

On the south end of the square, a military tank rolled into the crowd.

At the top of the tank an officer manned a fire hose that hammered down onto the protesters. But no one moved.

The fire tank had not advanced more than 30 yards before a young Egyptian sprinted up the front of the vehicle and scaled up the side.

When he reached the top of the tank, the officer manning the hose dropped the nozzle and jumped on the back of the protester. The two men toppled off the vehicle and onto the ground, where the man was taken away by other officers.

Gordon Reynolds is the pseudonym of a teacher in Cairo. Follow him on Twitter here.