Texting Will Trick Women Into Letting You Do Sex To Them

Hey, fellas: Want to do sex to that special — or simply just available — lady in your life? Text her! “Nearly 40 percent of women say that social-networking media, such as text-messaging and Facebook, are causing them to jump into the sack faster with partners than they would have in the past, according to a poll by Men’s Fitness and Shape magazines.” Some clinical psychologist suggests that the false sense of intimacy texting provides will get you over the hump (heh), as the lady in question will think that “you’ve actually been together for a longer amount of time, so it’s actually OK to have sex quicker. You may have gone out once or twice, but since there’s been so much exchange, either in texting or Facebook, it feels longer. It actually feels like its been longer than just two dates.” What a marvelous age in which we live!