UK Hero Spy Cop Turns Hard Green

Have you been following the Mark Kennedy story? It’s the UK’s own mini-COINTELPRO scandal, except far more British and polite and with a kind of happy ending (so far). Cop Kennedy posed as an XTREME GREENIE, to quote Sarah Palin, for seven years — and then, when his environmental activist “friends” discovered that he was a cop, he copped to it, turned green (“went native” in the parlance) and upset the trial of the greenies so they all walked free and also quit his job and coughed up the name of at least one other undercover cop. In the United States, we’ve never discovered the full and extreme extent to which citizen organizations were invaded and subverted; in the UK, actual cops politicians who serve on the board of the Metropolitan are all like, wow, yeah, that was a dumb idea: “picking on a bunch of non-violent environmental protesters seems like a clear waste of money.” (Meanwhile, on the homefront? An energy lobbyist was found dead in her own D.C. garage in her burning car. Her husband “is the White House’s deputy director of legislative affairs.” That’s both terrible and odd.)