'Wired' Mag's Chesty Cover Not Feeling Great for All Women

Now that the December Wired is hitting inboxes, some women are noticing that the cover image, which is breasts, seems to them like an extension of the magazines use of women as rare decorative objects. (Even while the issue does address advances in tissue reconstruction.) Since in particular women don’t make the cover this decade on their Wiredey merits. Fortunately Wired editor Chris Anderson is listening!

@anildash I hope your 2nd reaction was to read the article, on the science of breast tissue engineering. Make sense now?less than a minute ago via web

Chris Anderson

Or not. But did you read it ladies?

The ladies did! Also.

@chr1sa @anildash Alt cover for female Wired readers: re-engineered extra-ocular tissue strained from eye-rolling.less than a minute ago via web

Elizabeth Spiers