The Mexican Government Is Set To Burn 105 Tons Of Perfectly Good Pot

high on fire

Here is what 46 tons of pot being burned by the Mexican government looks like. This was in May, and they hired a marching band and everything. They’ll be burning even more soon, as military police just completed the biggest pot bust in the country’s history: 105 tons of the stuff, wrapped in 10,000 packages, in Tijuana. As the BBC reports: “The drugs, found in houses and vehicles, were wrapped in differently coloured packages that had markings and pictures on them, including the cartoon character Homer Simpson.” Who has been declared a “true Catholic,” according to L’Osservatore Romano.

“Few people know it, and he does everything he can to hide it, but it is true: Homer J Simpson is a Catholic.”

Here is a picture of the Homer-stamped pot packs:

It says, "I'm going to get high, dude!" in Spanish

The Boston Globe has a whole photo essay about pot up today.

And here’s a video of the rock band High On Fire, who have yet to be declared true Catholics by the Vatican: