NYC High Schools Not Just For Sexting

This is a super-intense article about Plan B in New York City schools, and fascinating:

A 17-year-old from Fort Greene, Brooklyn, called the school nurse at Lincoln “my new grandma.” She said she had taken Plan B “less than five times” this year. She did not give her parents the opt-out form. She said she had become pregnant twice, after her mother had taken her birth control away. “She’s the reason I got pregnant,” the girl said.

And here’s a really awesome public health quote, when you consider the essence of providing public health services is meeting people where they are:

“Most teens go to school,” Deborah Kaplan, the department’s assistant commissioner for maternal, infant and reproductive health, said, explaining the city’s decision to make Plan B available in schools, as part of a bigger sex education campaign.

5500 girls received free Plan B in the 2011–2012 school year. You should be advised, as usual, not to read (most) of the comments, for the obvious reasons.